Perth Startup Support


You have a business idea, you have some customers and now you are starting to make money. The statistics are showing, however, that the main reason 1 in 4 businesses close in the first year and only half were still operating three years later is due to financial mismanagement or inadequate or inaccurate records.

Managing your business’ finances is just as important as having customers. We are here to help you establish some basic bookkeeping systems, using the software that is suitable for you. 

We will also train you how to use it, ensuring you have a good financial management system in place to ensure your business not only succeeds but thrives.

You’re then equipped with all the knowledge and tools to run a successful business.

Alternatively, do you want to make sure the obligation of Bookkeeping doesn’t distract you from growing your business? We can work with you to ensure your deadlines are met, books are impeccable and business is efficient.

The end result is that you have more time to focus on your business’ growth, and can be confident that the numbers are being taken care of. 

Our best tips for those starting up is to list your priorities, divide your time wisely and use as many helpful resources as you can.

How Additional Business Concepts Helped A Perth Startup

We provided a courier business with the systems to ensure they were managing their finances. It has been a step at a time, setting up an accounting system and training them to enter all the sales invoices, purchase invoices and payroll and recording GST. This has kept their bookkeeping costs down, but better yet provided them with the information they need to be able to understand how their business is really going. It has ensured that they are keeping up with their reporting obligations (submitting Quarterly BAS) and provided them with up to date information to discuss tax planning and investments with their accountant.

Call us now for a free 30 min consultation to discuss your unique business and what you should do further